Lifting weights and Calories
Is there anyway to track calories burned when lifting weights? Any rule of thumb, general guidelines, etc....? I am tracking calories for the first time in awhile and I lift alot as well as cardio but I only can track my cardio calories burned.
Overcoming Plateaus
I lost about 35 pounds in a year mainly by hitting the gym 3-4 times a week. My diet is ok but not perfect. I mix cardio with weight lifting trying to use a mixed bag of different excercises. I have hit a plateau in the weight loss department, still needing to lose about 20 more pounds. I have even cut back my weight…
Getting over the Plateau
New to the site, not to the gym. Looking for help with better diet and workout ideas to get me over a weight loss plateau.
The more I workout, the hungrier I get. I understand that it is a natural reaction of the body, but it doesn't help with the daily calorie count limit. Any ideas of what and when to eat pre and post workout to combat this?