Egyptian Arabic ?
I know this may sound like a crazy thread, but once you know me better, you'll find everything I do goes against the tide ! I was a foreign lang major in college 35 years ago and have been studying independently and with a tutor, Egyptian Arabic. I never miss a chance to make that known in case anyone is from Egypt and…
Menopause Hell - I know cos I've been there
Hello my lovelies ! I began peri at 45, had my last period at 52. You name a symptom, I had it, and some are permanent in my life. I lost about 35% of my hair, so now I cover up when I go outside, I lost virtually all of my short term memory. I had nite sweats, never ending flashes ( sometimes up to 6 an hour ) extra…
Oprah.com binge article
Life is one big long series of stressors - from illness, death, money problems, work issues, etc,a binge eater like myself never needs an excuse, each day presents another unbearable thing I can't cope with ( I am a psych patient and take 5 meds a day ) and the other thing that takes it away is food. I had 3 binge free…
Oprah.com binge article
Hey gals !
Hello everyone, I am new to the team and thought I would swing by to say hi. This is my 34th year of suffering from binge eating disorder and grain of sand by grain of sand I am getting well. I am following a vegan, sugar free, natural diet, ( OMAD and IF ) lifting weights, and trying to keep stressors at bay and my only…
I really like OMAD
Being the typical non-conformist that I am and have always been, I figured eventually I would have to stumble upon something after 34 years that would work and probably be something unlike what the general population is raving about. I can't do moderation - with food or with any area of my life. Nothing to be proud of, but…
Hi all, I am new
Hello everyone, I am new to the team and thought I would swing by to say hi. This is my 34th year of suffering from binge eating disorder and grain of sand by grain of sand I am getting well. I am following a vegan, sugar free, natural diet, lifting weights, and trying to keep stressors at bay and my only real goal besides…
Printable fact sheet
Stinky gym clothes
A little about me
Hello everyone, I am new to the team and thought I would swing by to say hi. This is my 34th year of suffering from binge eating disorder and grain of sand by grain of sand I am getting well. I am following a vegan, sugar free, natural diet, lifting weights, and trying to keep stressors at bay and my only real goal besides…
Hello ! New here.
Nice to be here !