Women who Intermittent Fast?
Did it mess up your cycle or affect your hormone levels negatively?
Favorite Youtube workouts?
What are your favorite youtube workouts that don't need equipment?
Dieting and Body Positiveness compatible??
Seems like Body positive people always say to stop dieting. I want to love my body today because I know from experience I won't be loving myself still even after I lose the weight. But I still wanna lose the weight and only way I know how is actively counting calories and exercise. Do you think you can effectively embrace…
Workout ideas for a SAHM mom?
I have a 5 yr old and 6 mo old and literally have no way to get away to a gym or bike or swim or do any of the things I use to. I have 30 lbs of baby weight to lose and am getting sick of my current exercise dvd. Any exercise equipment or workout dvds you would recommend? I have been considering a stepper with bands...but…