Having recently posted my success story: https://tinyurl.com/ybns3bvs While happy with the weight loss, I was disappointed with my strength. Reading other peoples posts especially; rajeshvvcool https://tinyurl.com/ycmw7wo6 and vismal https://tinyurl.com/y9yzn9bx I felt I could do better, my next goal is to increase my…
Yesterday did session 1 of week 1 of C25k Program (One of my New Year's resolutions). Must have been a bit more tired than I originally though, as I posted it in the wrong section, now that am recovered am correcting the mistake :smiley: I chose the program from the UK National Health Service website:…
Hi I been on 'maintenance' for nearly a year. Am still on the 'learning' phase of this journey, so I tend to read various articles on the internet. One article (sorry can't find the original link, will have to summarize from memory ) stated " Eating a piece of dark chocolate before a meal, can help suppress your appetite"…
Just did session 1 of week 1 of C25k Program (One of my New Year's resolutions). I chose the program from the UK National Health Service website: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/couch-to-5k-week-by-week/ After putting on my old Ron Hill Trackmaster leggings, (last time they were worn was in the late 90's) and my…
On the 25th November 2016, my NHS Doctor's surgery carried out a 'Health Check' Using the politest and most professional language they gave me the results which when translated; “you're fat and if you don't stop shoving food in your mouth you're going to heaven a lot sooner than you think!” Then handed me two books along…