Dat sugar, doe
I love drinking water. I love vegetables. I love counting calories. I love going to the gym. I also love conchas. And ice cream! And cookies! In very, very large portions :persevere: Every day, I start out eating healthy. And every night, I end up telling my husband, "Tomorrow - I'll start tomorrow!" And every night, he…
Chun-Li thighs without hitting the gym?
Is it possible? I love weight training and I want muscle and mass but had to cancel my gym membership because money's too tight around here. Curious to see what exercises (besides the obvious squat) I can use...
Hit the restart button!
Hi all ^^ So I'm not new to calorie counting, not new to fitness and not new to MFP *but* I managed to care very little about the 60 pounds I gained during my pregnancy (classic excuse, right?). 3 years later (yeah, that excuse isn't as effective anymore) I've found myself only 20 pounds away from where I started but…