Hit the restart button!

Hi all ^^ So I'm not new to calorie counting, not new to fitness and not new to MFP *but* I managed to care very little about the 60 pounds I gained during my pregnancy (classic excuse, right?). 3 years later (yeah, that excuse isn't as effective anymore) I've found myself only 20 pounds away from where I started but unable to lose anymore on my own. I've tried on and off to count calories but my oh my eating below 2,200 a day is sooo challenging! lol. I give up after about a week every time.

Well, not this time! Putting myself out there to try to get some accountability. I know these last 20 pounds will not go willingly, especially since I've grown so comfortable with my eating habits. But I want to be healthier. Starting a HIIT plan and hoping to do a lot of walking and jogging (I actually like to :p so blessed lol). It's the food that will kill me though. I loves to eat, and I've loved not caring about what I've eaten over the past 4 1/2 years :P According to MFP by daily goal is 1,200. I remember doing that 5 years ago no problem, jotting down the numbers on a wrinkled piece of paper I kept in my pocket lol. Now it seems so much harder.

Where are you starting (or restarting?) from? I'm aiming for 1,200 even though I don't think I'll land there. But it's got to be better than the 2,200 or more I've been doing without trying! Maybe we can run (or walk? Yeah, walk probably lol) alongside each other and do the dang thang together?


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to MFP! You're kicking the pregnancy pounds WAAAAAY earlier than I did. My youngest was 8 before I admitted I had an issue. :) I've been maintaining for a few years, but just recently have let the weight creep up about 5 pounds. Need to nip that in the bud. :)

    You've got this. :flowerforyou: