I can do brilliant all week then 1 day I will feel rubbish and that's it for a week I will eat like a pig and just put weight back on. I have lost 2.5 stone this year so have done so well but I just get stuck at 13.7 stone every time. I have a lot going on In my life at the moment so am overly stressed but this compulsive…
I've been doing so well and changed my cupboard contents but the last couple of weeks I just keep wanting to eat even when I'm not hungry! Tried snacking on fruit but I still want more even had a couple of days off but no still want to eat everything in my fridge. I even find myself chewing the inside of my mouth where I…
So quite often I have left over calories from exercising or just not eating much, does that mean I can carry them over for a treat day at the weekend? I don't ever do this but yesterday (sunday) I over indulged massively and now feel a bit crap for it!
I'm trying to eat more fruit as a sweet snack but the sugar content always puts me over my daily target, should I just ignore it?