I'm thinking about trying this out as it is meant to benefit the body
Abs challenge
Haven't consumed loads of fat today.Will look into baking some low fat sweet treats I think
Here goes
Any fitness experts no if this is OK
This lifestyle is for keeps. I've always dipped in and out of healthy living for a lot of years but now it's staying with me. Health is wealth
It's too tasty and my self control has declined.
I've had two different calorie amounts given to me, One says 1500 each day one 1900. One macro recommendation saying 40/40/20, one /20/20/60 etc.. jeez. I want a balance that will work in my favour that will also keep me healthy and well each and every day. I'm considering 1600 calories every day apart from cheat day.…
Reading a book on this and I think it could help with the cravings I sometimes get. It's all about tuning your body in the correct way and If the happy hormones are increased in the gains process..... you can't ask for anything more really. Fuel correctly , breath deep and eat right to build lean muscle . I got this
Since going for gains my singing voice has strengthened so much. I think it's off my food and fitness changes and deep breathing that I've been doing to wind down. Very happy with my extra vocal gains lol
Must push myself in the morning because exercise makes me feel better and I need as many feel good chemicals as I can get right now