Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? I want to get rid of the rest of my baby belly but I also want to gain muscle because I have my first OCR race coming up and needs the muscle. Can I lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? If so, how? How much protein should I be eating? Or can I at least gain…
I run daily, 30+ minutes (except Sundays) and I’m slowly getting into strength training and cross training (like 10 minutes 3-5 times a week) for my first Spartan race in December. Other than that, I am sedentary as I’m a stay at home mother and don’t really go anywhere. Would you consider my fitness level to be Sedentary,…
So I wrote a very long post and it was all deleted because apparently adding emojis, breaks the thread. Anyway, hello all! My name is Danielle. I live in Florida with my husband and two sons. A 6 y/o and a 9 m/o. For years I’ve tried to get into fitness without much success. I have always wanted to be a runner but every…
Hello all!