Having a hungry day!
Today I feel, as my dear Mamma would have said, that I could eat a horse and come back for the saddle. I have been very controlled for the past 10 months, lost weight and got bloods back from to normal ranges. So...... I've decided to give in and go a bit over my usual 30 grams but with veggies and a good portion of…
One year between these photos. 9 months of LCHF!!
First Christmas on LCHF WoE. House full of family and food. I intend to keep avoiding too many carbs but still have fun. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my fellow low careers.
Just seen the practice nurse HB1Ac down to 40 (5.8%) from 67 (8.3%) and Metformin dose halved in 6 months. Bloods are the best for 10 years!! Would like advice on where now. Could still do with losing weight but could I have a few more carbs? Currently I have about 30 to 50 grams.
Home grown delights
Lovely supper this evening - the first runner beans from the garden, sliced, and mixed wth spiralised courgette. Fried in butter, seasoned with chilli salt, garlic and pepper. Bolognese sauce on top. Beautiful, filling and only 16 grams of carbohydrate! Breakfast was from the garden too - gooseberries sweet enough not to…
Soul bread
Has any one in UK tried this? What whey powder did you use?
6 weeks into LCHF for Type 2 diabetes and enjoying proper breakfasts again. This morning was bacon and tomatoes with cloud bread, looking at the pan I wondered if cloud bread would fry? Yes it does!! With a cup of rooibos looking at a sunny garden - life is good
Rice substitutes
I've tried 2 expensive no carb rice substitutes - really have not enjoyed them. Texture is all wrong and no taste. Much prefer cauliflower rice and spiralised courgette for spaghetti. Can anyone else get on with them or have any other suggestions?
Net carbs
Does the food tracker show net carbs or do I have to take grams of fibre away to see net values?