Whats everyone's favorite cheat food? Mine would have to be a cookie dough blizzard:)
Whats everyone's favorite pre-workout? Mine would have to be C4
Is it not the best when you have the whole gym to yourself!!! Great night super setting on a variety of machines
Does anyone here do less volume for there workouts while cutting or do they just leave it the same as if they were bulking or I guess even maintaining? I've always reduced volume a little but this time around decided to keep volume higher in hopes of losing bodyfat with extra calories burned. I hate cardio so I thought I'd…
New member looking for fit friends for motivation and to inspire me
I'd have to say my worst body part would have to be my chest!! Seems to lack behind all my muscle groups no matter what I do.
What body part is everyone working out tonight and what's your favorite muscle to work?
Iam 36 years old, canadian, married, father of 4 and addicted to the fitness lifestyle. Looking for fit friends to inspire and motivate me on my fitness journey.