My goal is to gain muscle mass and to burn fat at the same time!! I have been following a workout/ nutrition plan that has me eating about 3000 cal per day with 220 g of protein and 220g of carbohydrates (mostly complex) with about 80 g of fat!! The results I'm seeing so far are pretty good! however, I really would like to…
Many nutrition regimens recommend eggs! I've seen as many as eating about three whole eggs almost every day for breakfast!! However, they are very high in cholesterol!! Plus all the chicken and protein I eat has a pretty decent amount on it too!Any thoughts on this!
Any thoughts on how to get a six pack without sacrificing my muscle! I'm 170lbs 6 feet! I'm pretty lean already just trying to get that extra definition! But I really don't want to lose muscle mass!
I just started tracking my food with this app. Doing this everyday has really helped me realize the huge differences in macronutrients in different types of foods! I am really Looking forward to learning more about the foods we eat everyday and the pros and cons of them! Great free app by the way :)