Low calorie snacks
I need some low calorie snacks that i can incorporate. I'm looking for something that will fill me up but no dairy, eggs, or seafood thanks to very real allergies. Gotta be something better than just sugar free jello and protein bars.
Weekly net number
I am 5'6, 39, female trying to safely lose weight. My daily is 1510 with 1-2 hrs of activity and exercise per day. While i understand what the weekly net average number is and how they got it, trying to figure out what mine should be is making my head spin. I am always averaging 1200-1600 under for the net avg every week.…
I'm a 39 y/o female 5'6" (245 lbs) and trying to lose. My suggested daily calories is 1260 to lose 2 lbs/wk. My confusion is: do i eat the calories i exercise off, since my original daily calorie # is so low? I haven't been eating burned calories for the last 4 months. While I've been losing, i feel dizzy and nauseated mid…
I am 39 and live 8 hours from anyone i know. Since May i have been on a weight loss journey to better my health. Breathing was becoming a serious concern. I have lost around 35 lbs so far. I do not go to a gym or outside when it's hot due to a medical condition. I am at home 24/7 with my dog and 2 gerbils. My fiance works…