Yesterday I weighed the same as I did in Junior High. I am 66 and have lost much weight and am feeling great. My A1C is down. My BMI is lower. I am not focusing on the scale numbers, but appreciating the thin of it all. Thank you for letting me share. 😊
A one as the first number in 3 decades... just had to share!!!
The day before Thanksgiving the scales showed 232.6--- a new " lowest " number for me. My goal was to maintain and stay under 240 which I did. Christmas Day the scales showed 240. Since 1 / 2 / 18, I've been working at it and today the scales showed 232.2--a new " lowest " number for a total of 41 pounds gone since June…
A1C was 7.6 at my doctor appointment on April 13. Started MFP on June 10. Have lost 14 pounds. A1C was 6.5 at my doctor appointment on July 21. I guess I'll keep going...
11 pounds lost in 31 days. Yeah, me!
After 4 weeks of MFP, the scales are down 10 pounds (273.2 to 262.8) and the blood sugar is typically under 100 first thing in the morning (from 140 on a good day). My Dr. will be pleased when I see her in about 10 days. So YES , I'm feeling optimistic! B)