Eating 3200 calories a day is annoying. Bulking or Cutting is easier
I find the aspect of counting 3200 calories worth of food extremely annoying. When I bulk, I make a gigantic stir fry, 8 cups of rice, 4-5 chicken breasts, 4 eggs, 2 lbs of peas, dump of peanut oil, and a stick of butter. This lasts a few days, and I gorge on it. I probably eat it in the course of 4 meals. Bulking is easy…
Best Protein Per Dollar Foods, best Calcium Per Dollar foods, Calorie, Vitamin A, etc...
Thought this would be useful, especially protein per dollar list: Nutrition Per Dollar(vitamin A, potassium, etc..) http://efficiencyiseverything.com/food-nutrition-per-dollar/ Protein Per Dollar: http://efficiencyiseverything.com/applying-protein-per-dollar/ Good for bulking, but I didnt find this as useful as the…
5 years of lifting, amazing shape, I dont make gains, and I dont want to. What should be my goals?
For the last 5 years ive been crushing it at the gym. I've completely transformed from gangly desk nerd to... Not small. Very happy with my numbers from strength training, and I continue to do heavy set deads, squats, bench, and OHP 1-2 times a week. My last 2 years of lifting was minimal gains, only 5-15lbs moving up on…
Am I completely screwing my body by eating my all calories in a 6 hour window?
I yoyo depending on the day of the week Today I havent eaten and its 6pm. Tomorrow I'll probably start my food at 11am-1pm. Saturdays I'll do a breakfast, lunch, dinner, late night. I eat 2800 a day right now to maintain my summer shape. I think that might be a few hundred calorie deficit max.
I'm looking to work on explosiveness, are powercleans the best for this?
Playing rec football, trying to get faster. I already run a mile a day and do weight lifting. I'm pretty fast on the field, but I never did much sprinting as a kid. I was suggested to do powercleans to work on this, any suggestions?