I've been bulking for a couple months and I've been working out for a little less than a year pretty routinely.. I have seen gains in the weights I can put up but haven't really notice any changes in my physique .. also is it at all possible to gain strength/ muscle while losing some body fat... thanks for your help
I'm 18 around 5foot 9 and I way 150lbs I want to start gaining muscle but I still have some belly fat I would like to cut down on aswell should I continue to stay in a slight surplus or should I go on a cut thank you for your help
I'm 18 around 5 foot 9 and I way 150.... I am the sort of skinny fat body type and I've been working out for a while now and I look relatively skinny with clothes on but I have kind of a gut but I would really like to build my arms aswell as try to lean out a little bit do any of you have any recommendations on weather I…
I'm trying to bulk and my app recommends I eat a little over 300 carbs a day but in my bulk I'm trying to limit the amount of fat I get especially around my stomach becuase I'm I guess you would say skinny fat in clothes I look super skinny but I still have a stomach is this amount of carbs okay to intake everyday to get…
Yesterday I got a chipotle bowl and I put it in my calories and I didn't eat the whole thing (about 1/4 to a 1/2) do I need to re put it in my app today if I want to finish it thank youu for your help
I have my app set to gain .5 per week and I'm trying to bulk I'm scared that the calories the app is telling my to intake is to much and I'm gonna gain the fat I lost again.l