Stress Fractures
Any joggers here ever have one and if so do you need to see a doctor or can you just take it easy for 6-8 weeks? It's only really a problem in the 11 hr of my sift, the rest of the time it's ranges from being fine to mildly annoying.
Did you injure yourself when starting a new workout regimen?
Hey, I was just curious as i have just jacked up my elbow from lifting weights, which I have only been doing for about a month (weights were too heavy, form was bad, ext.) Which reminded me when I started running I tore up my groin and had to sit out for a month or so. I recall reading a stat that said something like 80%…
Good beginner workout routines that rotates muscle groups?
Hello my mfpers, I was wondering if anyone knows of any good beginner workout routines that rotates muscle groups so that it can be done mon-thur. All the workout routines I have seen for beginners so far require rest days in between each day as they tend to be full body workouts, even though days A and B are different…
Weight Bench Recommendations
Hey all, Iv'e been looking for a weight bench and iv'e seen some that are super cheap and some that are super expensive, and thus I'm hoping for some insight from the community to any who have bought one, whether cheap or expensive . I'm 5'9 and greener than Sam-I-Am's culinary choices and rather not break the bank on the…
Novice Weight Lifting Question
Hello I'm a weight lifting novice and I was wondering if some can tell me If i'm doing this wrong. I do my weight lifting exercises in a circuit with reps of 10x10x8x6 progressively getting lower but I was wondering if I would be better serve to do all the sets of a particular exercise back to back. So oppose from going…