Curious to read crazy and weird weight loss tips. There are some weird ones out there that actually work...what worked for you?
I work in an office. I try to stay active by working out before and sometimes after work. While in the office I try to stand while doing some paper work or reading a report so I'm not constantly sitting down. lol don't know if that helps...What's your routine and how do you stay active while having a office/desk job?
Hello I'm Sam:) I am trying to lose 23lbs. Lol notice I said trying. Many of you have success stories, tips and tricks, and advice on losing weight. I would love to read and apply it :) Thanks in adnvance☺️
I've lost 11 lbs! Being gluten free by choice is not bad at all. There are a lot of options for gluten free people out there. Try it! Also I am a junkie. I love my junk food but laying off junk food for a month was hard but worth it! I no longer have uncontrollable cravings and I'm not hungry all the time lol