Log your weight , calorie intake, exercises and every thing you do for weightloss everyday for the next 10 days. Let's take 1 pound every week challenge Day 1 Current weight :-97 Exercise:- Leslie sansone's3 mile walk 2tbsp safi 1cup lemon water 10 floors climbed Calorie intake:- 1600
Hello everyone . from today i.e. from 9th November I am going to start a weight loss challenge which includes 1) exercise Atleast 4 days a week 2) taking stairs instead of lift 3) walking for 3 days a week Anyone who wants to join me can write their names and current weight. Let's log our weight every 7days
16th October- 1st January 2tbsp saafi Exercise 4 times a week Climb 7 floors Walk for 15 min Exercises:- 10 leg raises 15 crunches 10 vertical crunches 15 Russian twist 15 lunges 40 jumping jacks 10 bench dips 60 sec plank 15 bridge 20 leg flutter 20 arm circles 20 arm criss cross
Get up you couch potatoes! Get up, be ready for a sweaty challenge. Mon:- Leslie sansones 5k with a twist Tue:- Jessica smith- belly buns and thighs Wed:- 25 suryanamaskar Thurs:- Leslie sansones 5k with a twist Fri:- Jessica smith These videos are available on YouTube Anyone interested can pitch in And update your monthly…