I just ordered my first fitbit... the fitbit ionic. It hasn't been released yet, but I can't wait to get it some time this month. Any tips or tricks for a first time fitbit user??
I cannot eat when I first wake up in the mornings, it makes me extremely nauseous. I get up about an hour before I leave my house for school each morning. I don't have any extra time to get up earlier as I typically stay up late studying every night. I know I need to eat breakfast and usually get hungry about an hour after…
How many times a week do you workout? I have an extremely busy schedule with school and studying and find it hard to have time to work out more than twice a week. I've recently gotten a personal trainer, and I work out with him usually twice a week depending on my exam schedule for school. Aside from that, I try to walk my…
I've been diagnosed with exercise induced asthma for about 10 years now. I was very active in high school, running cross country and playing tennis. I was never great at endurance running because of my breathing and was finally diagnosed in my senior year. One knee surgery, several years, and about 60 pounds later, I…