FutureDVM2020 Member


  • Do some workouts of immediately getting off the bike then running. I’ve done 2 sprints in the past and just did my first one in 4 years a few weeks ago. I hadn’t really been training for this recent one and I could definitely tell the difference. My legs cramped up on the run and felt so heavy because I had done minimal…
  • still in progress. Starting weight 197# in August 2017, progress pic 170# February 2018, currently 165#, goal 145#
  • I had to add a few holes to my belt because it's gotten too big on the last hole. I was on the 3rd when I started my journey last August!!
  • Starting weight 197#, Progress weight 170# Down 2 pants sizes 13-14 to 9-10 Full time professional school student, small part time job, endless nights of studying and minimal sleep... but determined to make the change... Results still in progress!
  • oddly enough, I drink more water when I use a straw rather than sipping out of a cup or bottle.
  • Me! always looking for new friends, motivation, ideas!
  • I got mine a few days ago as well. I too got the orange and blue and am loving it. This is my first fitbit so I can't compare it to the others. But I have trained with a Garmin watch in the past and it definitely surpasses that! It is comfortable to wear and not too bulky for me. There are a few software things that will…
  • For me, I eliminated all the "crap" over the course of about a month. I still have some processed foods, but I cut out candy and junk processed foods. I found that taking my daily vitamins ritually along with fiber every day helped me. They say there are some vitamin/micronutrient imbalances that can contribute to sugar…
  • Well, I couldn't wait and have had mine on pre-order for a month now. It will finally be here Tuesday! I'm excited to add an extra bit of activity "consciousness" to my daily life. Also interested to see how my asthma will look using the SpO2 monitor and to see what my sleep patterns are really like. I guess I'll give an…
  • I'm no professional but if you want to maintain, on the days you are running/working out you can consume a few more calories. But make them healthy calories! Just monitor what you are eating and what you are burning. A mistake I've made in the past was underestimating my portion sizes and overestimating my exercise...…
  • It sounds fantastic, I'm hoping it lives up to the hype. It has all the things that I wanted in one watch/fitness tracker plus more! It says it ships in 2-3 weeks, can't wait to get it start using it!!
  • I don't eat terribly late at night on a regular basis. Not eating past 6pm though is not practical for me as I don't get out of class till 5 most days and don't get home and get daily responsibilities taken care till well after 6. I sip water and coffee during my first 2 classes because even water makes me nauseous that…
  • I've heard of this, but what is it all about?
  • There have been some studies also linking gut health to mental health. There's also links between obesity and changes in gut flora. I think most people can benefit from probiotics. For these reasons, I just started taking them and have had no side effects, and the people I know who take them as well have no side effects.…
  • I'm dealing with the same stuff. Having finished 2 degrees and working on my third and most demand one now, I wish I had started the clean eating when I began college. If you have a refrigerator and means of cooking your own food, DO IT!! Give yourself one night a week to spoil yourself, but don't go overboard with it.…
  • Thank you for your input!!! Exercise induced anxiety/panic attack may actually be a contributing factor. When I was competing in high school I would notice it get worse if I was competing w/ someone at the finish line or if I started thinking about how poorly I was doing, etc. I also suffer from general anxiety on a daily…
  • Thanks y'all. I've only been working with my gp as my insurance restricts who I can see. But it has been a while since I have been to the doctor so I'm working on getting in so that I can hopefully get something different to help me out. In the mean time, I'm still exercising and working toward my goals. I'm just ready to…
  • I am going to try to start getting up early and taking the dog for a walk at least 4 mornings out of the week. It's hard when I sometimes have to stay up till 12 or 1 am studying. But I'm going to try for it!
  • New to this myfitnesspal community. Looking to make connections and keep myself and others motivated!