Breakfast Slump
How do you break it? Eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuit, oatmeal, smoothies, wraps, quiches, yogurt and fruits. All are delicious but get boring. How do you perk it up?
I can handle nearly anything. My body going bonkers, my mom suddenly passing, even a broken engagement. But I'm frustrated with my dialysis because I've reached 195 pounds. I was 10 pounds lighter just a month ago. The treatments add anywhere from 2-5 pounds and 2-4 inches on my waist... I'm frustrated because I don't know…
what to eat when you're not hungry?
I really should eat, but I don't feel hungry. No growl or rumble. Nothing. But my medicines will make me ill if I take them on a completely empty stomach. So, what do you nibble when you don't want to eat?