150Cal smoothies??????
I want to start making smoothies at home. I haven't done this before so would appreciate any advice, recipes, tricks, dos and donts. I would like to make them about 150cal each. Thank you to all in advance
Does anyone eat/drink chia seeds? And how do you think they help you?
I'm reading up on chia seeds, would like real people's opinions please. As opposed to internet hype
When I Have Lost It, I'm Going To.............
Lots of us are at the beginning of our journey. Some of you may already be halfway there. Everyone has a reason for starting and everyone has a goal that motivates them get back on track when they fall off. So what is your vision? What are you looking forward to when you are at the weight or close to what you want to be at?
Fruit Anyone???
So I'm thinking of introducing fruit into my day. The only kind I eat till now is bananas because a, I have a really sweet tooth and ripe bananas are sweet and b, I don't like hard fruit. Any suggestions/advice how to add other fruit that is definitely sweet and soft without being all crunchy and bland??
Calories as Currency?
Is it just me or do others see calories as currency? I find myself at times when considering what to eat, totting up the calorie amount and then telling myself whether I can afford them or not. Or such and such food costs too much, lol. Anybody?
Calorie CHEAP Salad Dressing?
So, here's the thing. I'm not a salad person, never have been. Always makes me think of rabbits eating lettuce, lol. However, I can eat leafy salads if I take away the bland taste with a nice dressing. Tried it today, mixed leaves with French dressing. Tasted good! I want to get in to the habit of eating some form of salad…
Jumping On The Scales ALL The Time!!!!!
So here's my biggest enemy but also one I can't run away from or throw out. MY SCALES!!! I keep my scales in my bedroom. Problem is that I can't resist jumping on them when I'm at home. Especially if my day is working out great and I am within my daily calorie allowance. I'm making it a point of plotting and charting my…