Vegan Canadians!
What are some healthy, nut free, snacks you can buy that don't require refrigeration and can easily be bought at a grocery store?
Skinny fat...? Especially waist
I know 'skinny fat' isn't the correct term, it is just good for describing it simply. I've always been slim but I really struggle to get definition and loose the layer of fat that would allow for definition to show. Lately it's become more and more prominent of an issue as I feel like i'm gaining more fat, especially on my…
IBS - help, discussion, tips
Thought a thread for ibs might be useful. I've recently been informed I likely have ibs. What are some tips or suggestions on how you've dealt with it, what works for you, certain foods that irritate (and how you discovered them) etc etc, just anything...
Fitness at home
What are you favourite workouts to do at home that are actually effective? I know the best ways to build muscle i.e that sculpted bum etc, is to lift weights but I can't currently afford a gym membership so will have to make do with home workouts.
Night time snacking
Does anyone else find it hard to kick routine?? I was always brought up having supper before bed, as we always ate dinner quite early, but as I have gotten older, cooking my own meals, being more in control of my food etc, night time snacking has gotten a little out of control. In the evenings routine is something that…
Increase water intake challenge
I know the month has already started and all, but just thought I would share something I'm getting my family to do at the moment. Thought some people who struggle to drink more water may like it. Gradually over the month increase water intake by 250ml per week. So setting 500ml as a minimum to hit for the first week, 750ml…