Help wanted please ;)
Hi I am 40 years old male who weigh 168 lb and 5.9” height . my goal is to be fit so I am cutting on 1700 calories. I have lost 8 pounds since I start my diet a month ago. Now, my weigh is won’t change for two weeks however I tried everything like carb cycling, fasting and exercise but nothing happened. I couldn’t loss…
I am lost !!
I am trying to lose weight on 1800 cal. Today, I completed my dairy focusing on my macros by making sure not to go over the limits I choose depending on my weight which is 40% carbs 30% protein and fat. With all that, I only consume 1590 cal. Am I good or something gone wrong over here? Thank you very much for your help
Which one should I follow?
Hi I set my goals in MFP and it shows that my calories limit to lose weight is 1500. However, I did the same thing in IIFM which is a macros calculator site it says that my calories limit has to be 1309 . Which one should I trust?
Cardio in the morning
Is it healthy to do cardio in the morning on empty stomach?
Carbs at night
I heard that it's so bad to eat carbs at night because at this time the metabolism rate going down so the carb's calories will turn and store as fat in the body. Is that right? Did anyone have carbs at late night and lost weight?
Nutrition limits
Did anyone have the same issue? I am 400 calories away of my daily goal but the protein and sugars intake exceeded my daily goal. How can I consume the rest of the calories without getting more protein? I am thinking of getting some nuts but those also have protein portion.
I am here to red of my body fat but something going wrong in here. First of all, I haven't meet my daily calories goals. My stomach gets full so fast and I don't feel hungry. Second of all, I do my exercise everyday however I didn't burn more calories than I consume. am I on the right track or what? Please help me on this…