So my husband and i are gonna do the 310 shakes . I'm just curious to see how many people do this and does it actually work ? Any advice will help ! Also im lactose and tolerant. What could I use for the shake besides water.
I want to motivate you as well ! Please add me so we can lose weight together. I have 10 pounds I want to lose but have been dealing with depression. Lately. Thank you and have a blessed day
So I've been thinking . If I eat let's say 1200 calories and workout 600.Can I eat the 600 calories back and still be like I ate 1200 calories?
Do you every get the feeling where your husband is happier whenever there friends come over ? Whenever its just us my husband and i don't say much to each other . When we do we kinda argue or just do our own thing . I feel like he doesn't like me . Sorry for being all girly and complainy. Just need some advice . Any kind…