Gathering information on variations of cholesterol levels in active people who eat mostly plant-based foods.
Lew Hollander completing the Iron Man competition in his 80s and 90s got me thinking about the sustainability of long duration walking/jogging without having to replace body parts over a lifetime.
✍🏾 Sweet company; sweet words Today's Healthy-Happy-H@ly Do List . . . 🌟Enjoying 😊 🌟Appreciating 🫂 🌟Refining 🎯 A Story: Naem (naw-ame') embraces sweetness and beauty. It's delightful company in the Hebrew tongue and comes this morning in a verse I read and turned around to get a more positive rendering: enjoy sweet words…
✍🏾 Refresh your soul Today's Healthy-Happy-H@ly Do List . . . 🌟Supporting 🫂 🌟Encouraging 🫂 🌟Appreciating 🫂 A Story: I'm a soul man. Got what I got the hard way And I'll make it better each and every day So honey, don't you fret Cause you ain't seen nothing yet I'm a soul man, I'm a . . . How fitting that today's verse…