Looking for friends that are motivated!
I’m looking to be friends with people who are motivated and support each other.
Diet Fiction Movie
I just watched this movie and one word..... WOW! This movie really opened my eyes. I hope you guys get to watch it. It’s incredible the moment of information provided. This movie hit on facts and clears up a TON of misinformation that’s out there about various diets, fitness, supplements and etc. I highly recommend it.
Posting to your friends only
Does anyone know how to post just to your friends only? I would like to learn
Activity Level...... Help!!!
I’m a little lost on activity level. Can someone help me please? I average 10K steps daily, I’m a SAHM to twins who never stop and I’m at the gym 5 days a week for 40 cardio and 45-60 mins strength training. What should I put as my activity level? Please any help would be great! Thanks in advance
Consistency is key!
Mom of three; which include a set of 2 year old twins. Down 40 lbs since they were born and still pushing to lose another 40 lbs. I did it before my twins were born and lost 50 lbs.