Feeling great! In December I quit smoking cigarettes and gained some weight. I have always struggled with weight due to stress eating. Ironically when I quit smoking cigarettes my anxiety was almost non existent. I hope somebody sees this and gets the same motivation I did by looking through success stories in January ❤️
So in January I started my diet and in February I started working out. I have lost 12.5 pounds and for the past three weeks I haven’t really lost anything! I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and do about 25 minutes of (fast) walking on the highest incline, 40 minutes of the elliptical, and 30 minutes of different weights. I…
Hey y’all I’m Sarah and I’m new to this healthy living thing! So my whole life I have been a little chunky except for highschool and I was pretty thin for that four years. I became pregnant right out of highschool and gained about 35 pounds. I lost 20 pounds after having my daughter but gained them back when my dad died…