In the last two month's since I've started my weight lost program, I have lost 17.7lbs which is great! My biggest stepping stone now is finding the motivation to add in extra exercises after my long work hours! I'm a salaried manager and by the time I get off work or it's my weekend all I want to do is be lazy. On an…
It's almost been one month and I've only lost 13lbs :-( I know I should be happy that I lost 13 lb, cuz that's 13 less than what I was almost a month ago. But I can't help but feel disappointed and want to give up because I didn't hit the goal of at least 20 lbs lost in my first month. I know giving up isn't an option but…
Cooked dinner for my wife who is just getting off work at 11:44pm! I did so good today with exercise and eatting good, but then night time hits and we both have tomorrow off. So since we are both night owls that crave bad foods. I bought some brownies for the first time since starting my weight loss journey. The dinner I…
Late night cravings is one of my biggest diet killers! It's day 16 on my weight loss story, and most days have gone decent. Today was amazing actually, I ate healthy and my wife and I exercised extra. I was feeling great all day, but then night comes and my vodka and salty snack craving sneaks up on me :-( I know it takes…
I really need some motivation tips on staying motivated to lose this 100lbs I have to lose :-( It's soooo frustrating that I let myself get so out of shape once again! In 07 I lost 100lbs and starting in 2011 I slowly started gaining it all back. And now it's 2018 and I've gained almost all of that 100lbs back :-( :( Most…