Watched the new fat emperor vid on you tube. Not once, but twice in the vid he mentioned cholesterol as a risk factor for heart disease. What gives?
So I went to see my physician for follow up and to discuss some issues I was having with trying to exercise. In short, I cant. I have no strength, walking half a block is the best I can do. I have been strict Keto since january (20 carbs) prior to that I was 60 carbs a day since october. My fasting blood sugars are…
I am working on increasing good fats. I've been reading, but very confused on if PUFA are bad or good. Some resources please?
Ive been doing keto since January-20 carbs a day. Was diagnosed with RA and A1c of 6.5. I was started on low dose prednisone in Feb transitioning to MTX. I was losing well and doing great but prednisone has turned me into an eating machine! I tried cutting my dose in half and my appetite decreased but my symptoms returned.…