I'm 6'6 and use to be obese, weighing around 315 pounds over three years ago. I was overweight my whole life, and did not exercise as much as I should have been, and ate crap all day. I achieved my lowest weight possible at the end of 2017 weighing 205 pounds, but noticed I still had a good amount of body fat on me. That's…
I'm 6'6 and use to be obese, weighing around 315 pounds over a year ago. I was overweight my whole life, and did not exercise as much as I should have been, and ate crap all day. I achieved my lowest weight possible at the end of 2017 weighing 205 pounds at my lowest, but noticed I still had a good amount of body fat on…
So, I have been doing full body workouts for the past 5-6 months on Mon. Wed. Fri., but I think I made the mistake of working all muscle groups every workout. My routine basically went (some variation, but everything included): Incline Press Overhead press Deadlift Squat Row Curl Lat Pulldown Leg Press Fly Leg raises This…