Currently on 1100 calories per day for weight loss. I do add calories burned when training. My question is ...... is it best to stick to daily recommended calorie intake or it doesn't matter if you over eat on calories because of what you have burnt training? Appreciate any advice re what is best options. Thank you in…
Do you lose more if you just use daily calories recommended and don't use calories burned while training? Cheers
Losing weight which is great! Now analysing progress so far and need help in following .... huge deficit in carb daily. A little deficit in fat. Not eating enough Protein every day. 1 day Calorie deficit but next 2 days made it up. Is this okay to do or do I need to adhere closely to daily recommended intake? Also when…
New and Looking for mfp friends for support.
New and looking for mfp friends for support. Should be good. Thank You