I've written myself a little routine doing jumping jack's, squats, jump rope, crunches, lunges, russian twists, push ups, mountain climbers, leg crossed, jump lunges and sprints. I do 45 seconds of each exercise, rest for 15 seconds and complete the circuit twice. It lasts about 20 or so minutes, is this considered HIIT…
My current macros are 50% carbs, 35% protein and 15% fat however I am finding it difficult to hit the necessary amount of carbs. In grams it would be 150g carbs, 105g protein and 20g fat and 1200kcal. I am fairly new to macros and looking to lose weight, can I swap about my carbs and fats and still get results? Probably a…
Hi all, I'm just starting out all over again and looking for some advice. Basically I have some weight to loose, I'd say around 1 stone and a half or so, possibly more. I'm only 4ft 11 and weighing in at 9st 5lb. I love the idea of lifting weights and eventually want to build a booty but I understand that in doing so you…