Grandmothers on a mission
I have been working hard to lose weight for my 2 granddaughters. It's been tough as I am an emotional eater and the pandemic has been a great hurdle. However, for the past month, i have been following both Noom and my fitness pal, the Beck strategies and reading a lot of books sich as Bright Line Eating and the Skinny. I…
Looking for fitness pals
Hi. I am graduating myself from Noom soon. Its been great and I am 2/3 at my goal weight. However, after 25 weeks, i am ready to go back to my fitness, especially as it is the best as far as food database and weight maintenance. However i will miss having buddies on my next journey. Please let me know if you are interested…
Building eating resistance muscle
This is going to be the hardest as I have been using food to relieve stress
Looking for diet buddies
Hi I have just started the Beck Diet for Life which reprograms one into losing and maintaining a healthy weight. Anyone interested in sharing my journey?
Building eating resistance muscle
This is going to be the hardest as I have been using food to relieve stress
Reading Beck Diet for Life
This is the diet to end all diets. Reprogramming the mind