Did I lose to much weight to fast?
I've started back on a cut and after 2 days I was down 5 pounds but weighing myself the day after I gained another pound and the day after that I gained another pound. Is my body just adjusting towards the change in diet or is it bad that I lost 5 pounds and gained 2 in the matter of 3 days?
Noobie Gains and Not Gaining, need help.
I’m new to bodybuilding and I’ve struggled with gaining weight eating about 3500 calories a day (trying 4000 now). I had a question about noobie gains and what they were and how long it lasts? Since I’m a beginner is it possible that the scale isn’t changing because my muscle is growing and fat decreasing slightly? I can…
Not very sore
In the gym I practice good form and getting 8-12 reps and I can definitely feel it during the workout and my strength decreasing throughout as I push myself but afterwards I feel pretty normal and not as sore as I think I should. Is that normal or am I doing something wrong?
Protein Intake
I’ve always naturally ate very little protein and it’s one area I have to make sure I eat enough of and I was wondering if I’m eating less protein but still gaining bulking results will the muscles be “weaker” or less sustainable and easily removed?
Workout DVDs?
What do you think the best fitness discs are for bulking and losing weight?
P90X Bulk Custom Routine?
I have a goal to bulk up and I'm doing so with P90X muscle workouts. I went through the CDs and created a custom routine and I was wondering if it would be too much in one group or not enough of a type of exercise or anything like that: Sunday - Shoulder & Arms Monday - Rest Tuesday - Chest & Back Wednesday - Legs & Back…
Bad Macros?
I’m currently trying to bulk but I feel my macros are not fitting well. I gave myself 180g/Protein and 90g/Fat but I keeping carbs below this and protein that high have made dieting unrealistic and something I don’t see myself sticking too. What kind of macros should I use? 1g of protein a bit overkill I feel unless…
Lifting Weights on a deficit
I'm currently aiming to get leaner and lose weight but can I still lift weights to maintain muscle so I burn fat with the deficit and keep the muscle? I'm too worried about lean bulking and gaining fat back.
I know the only true way to get results is to put in the work but does anyone use any supplements that they feel benefits them pre, post, etc.?
Leftover Calories
When I have calories leftover should i take the additional deficit? Sometimes I'll occasionally eat a larger serving of ice cream or have some creamer with my coffee if I can afford it but im wondering if I should.
Would I be successful if I ate a diet based off of keto and increased my fats and proteins while eating low carbs and watching the types of fats I'm eating but just not being as rigorous as the full keto diet? Is it a all in or nothing situation?