Here in the UK, I have just come across an article which is saying that we may have to start paying tax (or already are) on red meat!! What are people’s thoughts on this?
So I just wanted to hear how other people view carbs. I know that they are in pretty much every single food like your fruit and veg and in dairy etc, which is why keto diets exist to find the foods that have the lowest carb contents. However, I do also think they are useful for giving you energy and keeping you full. Are…
So I’ve started to follow just one rule when it comes to eating. And that’s to only eat when I am feeling really hungry. I feel like I eat for the sake of it, it gets to 1pm and I think oh it’s lunch time I should eat some lunch etc. This is my first day of trying this out and I’ve only had 500 calories and I’m not hungry…
So I am currently on day 3, am taking 3 tablets with each meal (30 mins before) and it has definitely suppressed my appetite .. but it makes me wonder .. is this healthy? I understand it’s only been tested on rats so there is no real scientific evidence of it working on humans .. has anyone tried these and if so did they…
Hey .. I am on a journey to be a fitter and stronger version of myself .. have lost 3lbs in 3 days so far by simply tweaking my diet! Please feel free to add me as my food diary is open and would love some encouragement