Hi everyone. My name is Frank I'm 37 and from New York. I've been heavy my whole life and am addicted to food. I've reached up to 378 lbs recently. I currently started dieting at 370 pounds. I've lost weight before but I always gain it back. In kindergarten is heavy/chubby. I've been overweight my whole life but I always…
Years ago I hurt my left knee walking on a steep incline treadmill. This video today jogged some memories. I thought you guys might want to see it. I currently wear a patella strap on both my knees to help with any pain and as a preventative measure for future injuries. when I saw the doctor for my knee he told me he gets…
Countless people I know have no clue about different shoe lacing techniques. I learned about these techniques years ago just looking around at stuff on YouTube one day and today I found a great short and to the point video that I wanted to share. One thing I always felt even before I started walking jogging from my health…
So yeah, I'm from New York and my name is Frank! I'm looking for friends and people that want to support each other, that are interested in exercise and dieting, namely losing weight, and encouraging each other to achieve there goals. That's really about it LOL. I posted a story about my journey and being heavy since I was…
Tonight at dinner I felt like I overate. My stomach feels kind of big and inflated and this pressure and I don't like it.... I'm sticking to my regimen of walking after dinner like I do everyday. But during my walk while not feeling so good about myself I decided to change that. It was simple I WALK A LITTLE LONGER.. IF…