Let me know what you think!
Do you think there should be a tax on sweet beverages like soda? or maybe even juice?
I'm on a high protein diet with about 40% of my daily macros being protein. Any suggestions on good protein snacks or foods with a high amount of protein?
Hello Everyone, I was wondering if anyone had diet tips for those who have Parkinson's disease. My mother has it and I want to know how other people manage their diet with this disease.
Hey Guys! I've been looking for recipes (mostly baking) that use protein powder in them and haven't found that many good ones. I have chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry protein powder. If anyone has any good recipes let me know!
almonds and peanut butter :)
I've heard that the keto diet puts your body into ketosis which allows for fat to be used as energy instead of carbs. Although I've also heard that a keto diet may be better for someone who is into endurance training and a diet with carbs is better for muscle gain and weight training. Thoughts?