Do you folks feel bloated and full, or have a feeling like eating at your caloric deficit makes u feel like youre eating like a fat person??
should i do some sprint after compound lifting say squats, bench press, then sprint? is it taking away from building muscle? Also on rest days can i do sprints?...I wanna preserve and/or even gain muscle, I want to loose the 30%Body fat most importantly. Thanks for any suggestions, opinion, inputs!
I try to push my Calorie deficit more than suggested, about 1800 Cal than the suggested 2300 Cal. Sometime at bed time, my stomach sinks and get a bit hungry. Sometimes I deal with it til the next day morning. Sometimes I have a snack. But is going to sleep a little bit hungry (where your stomach is aching a bit because of…
I feel like a 2300 deficit calculated for me by MyfitnessPal is too high, its like my regular eating habit, i feel like if i eat 1800 i feel my body transforming and loosing some of the 30%body fat i need to shed. I thought a caloric deficit will be harder than this
is 1500-2000 daily calorie a good amount? for me; 30-40 lbs. overweight. Also I weight train 3-5x a week. Im loosing weight real quick the first week, currently going on 2 weeks. Sometimes 1200Calories have me full for the day! And im getting tired of force feeding. I need advice, Thanks for any input!