Have any obese people been sedated at the dentist?
I am significantly obese at around 350 lbs and will be getting all my wisdom teeth removed under deep sedation in a couple weeks. The oral surgeon who was originally supposed to do the procedure opted not to when he found out my BMI so they scheduled me with a different doctor who is apparently willing to do it. When they…
Not putting much effort into my food
I used to pretty much eat nothing but fast food and Pre-packaged stuff from the grocery store. Now that I’m on a weight loss journey with almost 200 pounds total to lose I’m going grocery shopping once a week and just eating what a buy but I’ve realized I’m mostly getting pre-packaged stuff or quick snack stuff and I’m…
Food search not working
Is anyone else unable to search for foods that are not already in your history? Even when I try to scan barcodes it says "Sorry but we couldn't find a match"
Am I messing up my scale results?
I have an eatsmart scale. I weigh in every Monday and while my weight is definitely trending downward since I started my journey, when I weigh myself the results are not consistent. Like for example when I stepped on this morning I got a reading of 332. I then stepped off then back on and got 332 again. I stepped off and…
I want to binge on fast food so bad right now: a rant
I'm only about a month into my weight loss journey and the biggest and definitely worst habit that I really needed to break is how often I ate fast food. This is really embarrassing to admit but I used to eat fast food every single day. I NEVER bought groceries and would just order from a restaurant or pull up to a…
Fat, broke, and maybe sick
Hi I just joined in here. I am a 29 year old woman and 361.6 pounds. I only started my weight loss journey a few days ago but I have a question about my caloric intake. I know I’m not getting enough calories right now and I’m wondering if this will hurt me a lot. My income is pretty unstable and right now I don’t have a…