Just starting checking sugars three times a day, weigh 318 and need to lose weight. How do you manage your diabetes. What diet sugar do you use, can you buy sugar by the pound that is diet sugar for baking? Do you have recipes for diabetic's, will you share. I am on a 2000 calorie diet at 2 lb a week. Exercise was…
If you will support and motivate me to keep coming back and reaching my goal of 70 pounds to lose in 9 months. We can share recipes, motivational tips, exercising goals and try to reach our goals together. I have alot of weight to lose for my health also, swelling of the feet and diabetis, less on sugar and salt. I would…
I make homemade waffles and pancakes and was told I need to reduce my sugar and salt. I meet with a nutricianist and am trying to lose weight. I bet on healthywage.com that I would lose 70 pounds in 9 months, I hope I win the money. I quit smoking on 5/10 and quit pop today, no more pop only coffee and water. Still chew…