In the past, I do 1. intermittent fasting 16:8 (1000-1500kcal in average per week) 2. jog 1 time per week ( @4km - 10km). 3. Weight: 46.6 Recently I started PT, (2 times per week) 1. ate the same way - sometimes I do burst my calories 2. strength training + 4-6km of jog 3. Weight: 49kg but my thighs are getting bigger , I…
I only eat the bread crust, so I took many slices of bread but ate just the crust, will this habit sabotage my weight loss plan?
I have lost 3kg over 4 months but I have stopped losing weight since about 1 month ago I try to keep my diet at 1200kcal and jog for 1.5 -2h weekly. Any idea what I can do to lose another 2kgs?