Joined this group way back in 2017 I think. It was a great group with lots of great information. If anyone is still here, HI!
Read this excerpt today in an article: "Before turning to prescribe medications, Sodicoff believes in teaching his obese patients without diabetes to focus on lifestyle changes first. “High-fat, moderate protein, low-carb diets can perform amazingly well in most patients,” said Sodicoff. “It’s always the first approach to…
Hello everyone, I was an active member for about two years and followed an LCHF woe. I lost 45 lbs and my diabetes was very well controlled. Over the last 18 months, I managed to gain the weight back :( and my A1C is 8.6 even though I am taking the metformin. Anyhoo, I re-started my WOE since Jan 1 and I have lost about 8…
Hello all! I have been a huge sunflower seeds fan for a long time. I was pleasantly surprised to find that my favorite brand, BIGS Chile Tapatio have only 4 carbs per 1/4 a cup but its ALL fiber. SO technically is has 0 net carbs! AND tons of sodium! So no keto flu for me lol.