I've had eczema on my scalp forever but never had it treated since nobody can see it (thanks, hair!) and it only causes the occasional itchyness. Since starting working out, it gets triggered by sweating and becomes extremely uncomfortable, red, itchy and feels like on fire! The extra showers that come with working out,…
I love baking. I also love eating home made goods, which is why I'm probably here in the first place ;) Well, now I'm trying not to indulge but still bake for family and friends. So, any like-minded people out there? Love getting ideas from food photos. Here are today's bakes: And a recent cheese cake:
I brush my teeth after working out (besides for showering obvs). I have a strong need to feel 'clean'. What weird rituals have you got?
I've been working out for a very long time. I enjoy running and aerobics and I think I have good stamina. I go to a class and will jump, dance, jog etc for an hour without breaks. I also do my own strength program (which would probably be classed as mild). I use hand weights (2 kg in each hand) and do a 20 minute session…