OK, here are my stats. 6’ 2”, 202 lbs. have been working out for two years very consistently. I never miss a day of my routine. I must’ve had some newbie gains because I gained about 20 pounds over the last two years. I want to work on my abs so that they can be seen. Currently I’m probably 16% body fat so just a good…
Hello. I am 6‘2“ 202 pounds. I have been working out for two years, about six days a week with a split Routine that takes four days to get through the whole body. I calculated that I need about 3200 cal per day to gained half a pound per week, however I just started it and I’m having trouble getting that many calories. I’m…
I am 6’2”, 202 pounds, I work out six days a week with strength training, four days in a row one day off, split routine. Supposed to have 3200 cal to gain weight. Should I increase that due to workout? How many calories Do you burn in a one hour intense workout?