Lose fat but increase athletic performance?
Hello, I am looking for tips on how to get more cut but maintain my muscle, while increasing strength, endurance, cardio and bone density/durability. Diet/nutrition tips are welcome, as well as fitness routines and all training tips. Information about my situation: I started my fitness journey two months ago, lost 13lbs…
Need tips on more fiber, potassium and carbs in diet
I can't ever seem to get daily recommended levels of fiber, potassium or carbs. How can I improve my nutrient intake?
5'10, 215 lbs
Hey all, I am hoping to lose 20 lbs down to 195 within 3 months. I want to keep all the muscle and cut only fat. I'm on a 2,200 calorie diet. Any advice on how to get more fiber, potassium and carbs into my diet? I'm always lacking.