It s my time to shine
I am 154 cm tall.. One picture s with 86 and other with 50.4 kg in less then 3 years difference.. I am slowly moving into recomp,(slight deficit to lose last 0.4 kg) that I can almost taste the victory 😊
Ladies topics..how to workout during PMS
Overall I am doing pretty good,keeping my deficit and working out..When I just started with my weight loss journey i couldn't do more then 2 modified push ups but with time it changed...Now I am capable of working out around 3 hrs without even realizing time that passed as i simply enjoy it and love seeing my body getting…
Does anybody s following some of Jillian workouts
If you are not following any of her workouts at the moment, are you willing to try? If u do follow some of her programs, which one, how long and what are results?
Does anybody s following with any of Jillian workputs
If you are not following any of her workouts at the moment are you willing to try? If u do follow some of her programs, which one, how long and what are results?