Advice from Runners
I am planning to start couch to 5k. Any advice from runners? I am type 2 diabetic and eating what I need to is a particular concern.
Disease and Disorder Warriors
Looking for warriors with lupus, MS, fibromyalsia and other diseases and disorders to befriend. I am currently trying to find my diagnosis due to unusual pain and fatigue. I am a fighter and try to work out- even if I must nap after. I don't complain a whole lot and will cheer you on regardless of how much exercise you are…
Olympic Weightlifting
Does anyone have advice on beginning to do snatches, and clean and jerks? So far I am just watching tutorials online.
Hi everyone. I've been having strange leg pain when I walk. I'm getting a needle test to determine if I have neuropathy. What can be done if I have neuropathy and how can I work out without pain? Does neuropathy spread and worsen? Thank you!
Vegetarian Recipe Advice?
Looking for awesome recipes that are vegetarian and advice on making food flavorful. I have gastroparesis or neuropathy of the stomach, and eliminating meat will help me digest easier. I am also allergic to soy. Thank you everyone!
Hi everyone! Wanting to add some friends. I've got some health issues such as diabetes type 2. Eating low carb, and using paleo and keto recipes has really helped me. Nice to meet you!