Been at this for a bit, might as well introduce myself!
Hi folks. 32/m here that struggled with weight the vast majority of my life. Diabetes and obesity runs in my family and i've finally had enough of it. Even had a spurt in middle school of needing to monitor blood sugar. Hit my peak weight a year or two ago at 330+. I'm 6'6" tall and pretty stocky so I carried it a little…
How did you settle on what your maintenance weight was going to be?
So for 2019 my resolution was to lose weight and get healthier. I dropped 130+ lbs in 2019. My goal was originally 350+(unknown top number) to 265. I ended the year at 225 after continuing to just keep moving the goal post. Currently sitting right around 220 on a continued drop path. Mathematically and visually I fall…
Hit a huge milestone - 100lbs down since started tracking in March, 115lbs since end of last year.
Towards the end of last year I decided enough was enough. I clocked in at a peak of 350+- knowing I had probably tapped higher at some point in 2017-2018. I had a physical late last year for a pilots license and was borderline on most things and in that "better do something" stage. I have two young daughters that deserved…
Hit a big milestone this week. First time<250 that I can remember since some point in high school.
The picture attached was 2018 Christmas with an unknown weight. In January/February of 2019 I decided enough was enough and it's time to get my health in check. In mid-March for the first time in a long time I stepped on a scale and was greeted with 335, I'd assume that means in the Christmas picture I was somewhere around…
Reduce repetitions or sets when can't meet an exercise goal?
I've been using an incremental app for various exercises and i'm curious what the appropriate thing to do when you can't complete the next in the cycle. For example say Today is 24-18-16-12-20 for pushups (it has a timer for the set breaks) but the next day is 32-20-20-14-22 but I couldn't complete that. What would the…